For Part 4, and all the additional updates you will be receiving, we will be giving you a mixture of different free sites to advertise. Some of them will be more Forums, some will be HUGE readership boards similar to Craigslist and Backpage. But, we have had success with all of them, and we will continue to update you on all the new ones that open up each time they arrive.
1.  - This one has Gigantic readership numbers.
5.    Be sure to check this one out to see the power of Viral Advertising!!!

To begin Part 5, we wanted to share an inside tip. You may have already noticed this, and may be already using this feature. But, if you are using Synthasite for your website, you may want to occasionally go back to their Edit features to change the background and colors of your website. We have seen excellent results by doing this every once in a while, so that it catches the eye of some people who scan the ads often, and tend to overlook sites they have seen many times. You may also want to check out the new Widgets and other enhancement features that Synthasite is always updating for their customers.  
And now, more free advertising sources:
10.  - Obviously, gigantic readership and being used by many to advertise their businesses.
Another Tip: While we are sending you more updates, it's not a bad idea to, at least once a week, do a Google search for Free Online Advertising. Many times, you will find brand new sources with wide open fresh markets of opportunity seekers
Also....Here's an additional program for those looking for extra, long term, daily income:   .( Thousands, World Wide, are making extra with this one )
Have a great day and look for more updates soon!!!

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to this edition of the Consumer Savings Source Publication. We feature on-going savings tips and ideas to allow us to keep alot of our hard earned dollars instead of, literally, throwing away free money. Alot of our information comes directly from sponsors who specialize in different savings areas, and even have copywritten publications to their credit. While other information comes from research and the use of many different Consumer Advocate Groups that specialize in saving money. We endeavor to cover many different categories of Consumer spending, so we will be sending on-going updates covering different areas of savings.
For this Publication, we wanted to continue our series on one of the most popular categories of savings. As we all know, the overall Consumer market has always been extremely competitive, but it's now reached new levels of competition with all the manufactures and merchants trying to get the edge on the competition. One way they get this done is, they bite the bullet a little bit and offer up freebies to entice everyone to use their brand names and their stores. Therefore, we will continue to show you some of the most fabulous savings and freebies available today. And, we will be updating these and others in future Publications.
The following websites will connect you to some amazing offers with more on the way. Be sure to hold on to this information and to check with them often, as many of their sites change and are updated on a regular basis.
1. - Free stuff and free samples. Offers are limited and change from time to time.
2. - Brags about having some of the best free stuff on the web. Be sure to scroll down their list, and you'll see a category called 101 Fantastic Freebies.
4. - Samples, free stuff and top brand coupons.
5. - See site for details: Free electronics offers.
6. - Free books, movies, jeans, toys, perfume, T-shirts and more.
And, more fabulous sources:
14. New Addition:
16. New Addition:
We hope you enjoy this information and the savings. Be sure to look for our updates in the future.
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